All female patients are advised to have regular 3 yearly smear tests between the age of 24.5yrs and 50yrs. Then 5 yearly up to 64 years. This is an important procedure undertaken by our specialist nurses (or the female doctor if there are special circumstances).
When you’ll be invited for cervical screening
- Under 25 – Up to 6 months before you turn 25
- 25 to 49 – Every 3 years
- 50 to 64 – Every 5 years
- 65 or older – Only if one of your last 3 tests was abnormal
You’ll get a letter in the post inviting you to make an appointment. Please don’t ignore your invite. Cervical screening is not a test for cancer it’s a test to help prevent cancer.
To find out more information about cervical screening click on the link:-